
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ángel Cáncer No Puede Hacer Art Painting

New DonnaBellas Angels January 2012 Painting!

Pastel watercolor painting of a Espanol Ángel Cáncer . The text of "What Cancer Cannot Do" is in Spanish.

Lo que cáncer no puede hacer
Cáncer es tan limitado…
No puede paralizar amor
No puede romper esperanza
No puede corroer fe
No puede destruir paz
No puede matar amistades
No puede suprimir memorias
No puede silenciar valor
No puede invadir el alma
No puede robar la vida eterna
No puede conquistar el espíritu
-Autor desconocido

You may right click to copy this image share with friends, family and co-workers. We permit personal use/ non-commerical use of our images as part of goal in helping others to provide a healing support. If you wish to purchase the art, it is available for sale at DonnaBellas Angels at Zazzle. Pictura ángel de la guarda on a variety of gifts for men, women, and kids.

Canvas Art Paintings Prints & Posters

Lo que cáncer no puede hacer Angel Poster Print print

Lo que Cáncer no Puede Hacer Angel Poster Art Print (28" x 38")

Online store options include poster print sizing, border edge color, border edge size, papers, trim, and framings.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Angel Art with Quotes on Peace and Light

A collection of thoughts on peace and light paired with light angels art from DonnaBellas Angels. The peace themed paintings feature the color purple. May you find your inspiration within them.‎

"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."
- Albert Einstein

‎"A people free to choose will always choose peace."
-Ronald Reagan

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
- Edith Wharton

Spreebird and DonnaBellas Angels

Help support DonnaBellas Angels when you buy daily deals in your community. Select your "Community Reward Beneficiary" as our non-profit. Spreebird will give 10% of its proceeds back to DonnaBellas Angels.

Sign-up for Spreebird here