
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What Cancer Cannot Do Inspirational Poem

DonnaBellas Angels features "What Cancer Cannot Do" poem on a variety of art pieces including cancer angels and hearts.  There are versions in both English and Spanish.  See the full art gallery art  at  

Share the art from this page or use our "What Cancer Cannot Do Poem " Pinterest Board.

"What Cancer Cannot Do" (Poem in English)
What Cancer Cannot Do
"What Cancer Cannot Do" (Poem in Spanish / Español)

Cancer is so limited...

It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot destroy peace.
It cannot kill friendship(s).
It cannot suppress memories.
It cannot silence courage. 
It cannot invade the soul.
It cannot steal eternal life.
It cannot conquer the spirit.
-Author Unknown

Lo que cáncer no puede hacer
Cáncer es tan limitado…
No puede paralizar amor
No puede romper esperanza
No puede corroer fe
No puede destruir paz
No puede matar amistades
No puede suprimir memorias
No puede silenciar valor
No puede invadir el alma
No puede robar la vida eterna
No puede conquistar el espíritu
-Autor desconocido

Thank you for viewing DonnaBellas Angels art!  Donations are always welcome and appreciated.

Thoughts on Self Image ~ Proverb on Self Reflection

What you think you are, you are, until you think otherwise.
~ American proverb

What you think you are, you are, until you think otherwise. 

You are what you think you are, until you think otherwise.
~ American proverb

Thank you for viewing DonnaBellas Angels art!  Donations are always welcome and appreciated.

Friday, December 27, 2013

University of Mississippi Medical Center Inpatient Oncology Unit T-shirt Fundraiser

"As everyone knows, healthcare funding is tight right now. Here at University of Mississippi Medical Center, it is no different. Our inpatient oncology unit wanted to do something special for the nurses and other staff who work so hard in order to ensure that our cancer patients get the best care possible. We realized, in order to recognize them, we would have to raise the money on our own. 
University of Mississippi Medical Center Inpatient Oncology Unit T-shirt Fundraiser with DonnaBellas Angels Art "Colorful Cancer Angel" Painting

That’s when we came across DonnaBellas Angels Colorful Angel design. It put into words what we all deal with on a daily basis on the oncology floor. They have been kind enough to let us use the design for a t-shirt fundraiser. It is an opportunity to not only raise money in order to recognize our oncology nurses and staff, but to also raise awareness about “What Cancer Cannot Do”. 

So thank you, DonnaBellas Angels, not just for letting us use your design, but also for inspiring cancer patients and health care providers around the United States."

-Melodie Goodwin, Pharm.D.
University of Mississippi Medical Center

DonnaBellas Angels grants limited royalty use permission to use the art on fundraiser t-shirts. The fundraiser goal must be to support patients and their caregivers. 

DonnaBellas Angels requires that the groups sign a contract to verify the limited art use and specify the fundraiser. DonnaBellas Angels does not use any of its funds to pay for third party fundraiser items. We will provide the art to a local printing shop for use. The item should include reference to DonnaBellas Angels (e.g. logo) and will require design review and approval prior to printing. We request that groups make a small donation back to DonnaBellas Angels after the fundraiser is complete.

To request to use the art, please email with your fundraiser proposal request and details.

See DonnaBellas Angels art and other t-shirt fundraiser examples on our website.

Thank you for viewing DonnaBellas Angels art!  Donations are always welcome and appreciated.

Crow Proverb on Achieving Greatness

You already possess everything necessary to become great. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Garden of Friendship Proverb

Pink daisy with morning dew drops on the daisy petals which reflect the garden's flowers. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Spirit Prayer Art Sketch

Spirit Prayer Words Sketch for Inspirational Art Painting

Spirit Prayer  

Guardian Angel, Holy Angel
Guiding Spirit, Holy Spirit
Help me know Your Wisdom and Love

Guide my soul to Believe all is Possible in Spirit
Guide my soul so I may Choose better decisions to Let go my Ego’s suffering

Through Spirit I FEEL Your presence to have courage and comfort

Through Spirit I HEAL my wounds and learn to set free my burdens and embrace living

Through Spirit I GUIDE my actions so I may act and speak truly with an open Heart

Through Spirit I SHINE Your Light when I am lost so I seek my path and follow Spirit’s Life Calling
~ By Laurel Latto

New sketch for painting "Spirit Prayer". Life has many ambiguities of meaning like the word in our language itself.  Final art will be rendered in watercolor; however, additional editions may be created in different media.

Thank you for viewing DonnaBellas Angels art!  Donations are always welcome and appreciated.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

DonnaBellas Angels Art for Improving Mental Health Wellness

The NY Times Health Blog had an article discussing mental health of patients and their caregivers as they cope with not only depression with cancer treatment but anxiety during cancer remission.  Below are excerpts from the article along with commentary about DonnaBellas Angels plans to address the mental health wellness.

DonnaBellas Angels motto is “Medicine Heals the Body, Art Heals the Soul” because of the emotional stress that can accompany the management a chronic or terminal illness. 

Now a new analysis finds that within two years of a cancer diagnosis, the pervasiveness of depression in patients and their spouses tends to drop back to roughly the same levels as in the general population, only to be replaced by another mind-demon: anxiety, which can even intensify as time passes.

The disease may be cured or a loved one passed away, but the emotional healing is ongoing.

People who have not confronted a life-challenging illness may be perplexed by the residual anxiety in patients, long after they have successfully completed treatment.

It is the hope that the art will help improve the emotional journey.  We hope that DonnaBellas Angels art will provide hope in living and it will be art to provide memory in passing. 

Dr. Mitchell said that in his clinical practice, key predictors of anxiety in family members included whether a caregiver felt out of control and unable to participate in the patient’s care; witnessed an unexpected or unpredictable deterioration of a loved one…

DonnaBellas Angels art is meant not only for patients, but for family and friends too.  We encourage the sharing of the art prints among individuals. 

The analysis did not identify certain cancers as having more psychological impact than others. Rather, the burden of the disease on an individual patient, including symptoms and treatment complications, was more telling than the type of cancer, Dr. Mitchell said.

Family and friends can all get the same art print to keep as a reminder of their loved one.  When the art print is viewed you can thinking about sending the person good intentions or prayers, it is up to the recipient to determine their meaning within the art piece.

“Even in an era of scarce resources, hospital-based psycho-oncology programs should probably not be exclusively reserved for patients,” said Dr. Ilana M. Braun, chief of the adult psychosocial oncology division at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston Such programs, she says, should “be made available in some capacity to those in remission and to loved ones impacted by cancer in their family.”

Below is a story shared by Katharine and Mark O. with DonnaBellas Angels on what the Spring Hearts Cancer Angel art print meant to them when coping with grief.

"When a close family member was diagnosed with a terminal illness, DonnaBellas Angels was gracious enough to provide her with an angel print.  The print meant so much to Mickey that she kept it close to her on her bedside dresser.  When she passed away, her best friend asked to have the print because it remained her of Mickey.  DonnaBellas Angels gives hope and life to those who are ill as well as gives hope and life in passing.  It helps loved ones of patients to know that they are not alone."

-See Spring Hearts Cancer Angel online at:

Thank you for viewing DonnaBellas Angels art!  Donations are always welcome and appreciated.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

DonnaBellas Angel Art for St. Dominic's Hospital Cancer Boutique Announcement

St. Dominic's Hospital used “Rainbow Cancer Heart” art to announce their new cancer boutique.  The painting was featured on postcards and rack cards.  St. Dominic’s also plans to use the art for a t-shirt fundraiser.  The painting features the poem “What Cancer Cannot Do” with a heart in rainbow layers.

St. Dominic's Cancer Boutique Postcard (Front)

St. Dominic's Cancer Boutique Postcard (Back)

St. Dominic's Cancer Boutique Rack Card
DonnaBellas Angels allows limited royalty art use by third party groups who support patients and caregivers.  We request that the group signs a limited royalty use contract and references DonnaBellas Angels with an art credit.

The cancer boutique is a complete boutique for all your needs. Mastectomy bras, prosthesis swimsuits and more: fitted compression garments, therapeutic creams, private for head/hair accessories, hats, scarves and much more. Comfort post-surgical pajamas and most important...the compassionate care you expect from St. Dominic's.

St. Dominic’s is more than just a hospital. It is a family of services focused on fulfilling a mission of Christian healing to those in need.  St. Dominic Hospital is a 535-bed tertiary care hospital located in Jackson, MS serving all of central Mississippi and employs approximately 3,000 nurses, physicians, and skilled caregivers. The medical staff, of nearly 500 leading physicians and specialists, makes St. Dominic’s one of the most comprehensive hospitals in Mississippi. Through nearly seven decades, St. Dominic’s has remained true to its vision. We are St. Dominic’s – a Christian healing community called to provide quality, compassionate care and an Exceptional Encounter Everytime.

Visit St. Dominic’s website at

St. Dominic's Cancer Boutique Ad
St. Dominic's Hospital Cancer Boutique
See Rainbow Cancer Heart art on the DonnaBellas Angels website at

Rainbow What Cancer Cannot Do Heart
Thank you for viewing DonnaBellas Angels art!  Donations are always welcome and appreciated.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Inspirational Support Tips Card for New Cancer Patients

The inspirational support tips are given to newly diagnosed cancer patients.  The "From Us to You" cancer tips card was created by Carol G. Simon Cancer Center at Morristown Medical Center.  

 The cancer center makes little gift packets for new patients with either a scarf, key chain or bookmark which are all made by previous patients.  The card reads “From Us To You” and it has good tips for when a new cancer patient is starting treatment.

"From Us to You" hope card for new cancer patients with support tips

“From Us to You” Card Text:

Fellow cancer survivors offering tips of support to help you deal with the fears, confusion and anxiety you may be experiencing.

1. Develop a daily ritual of those things that give you comfort; comforting music, special people and meditation.

2. Gather a support team to assist with appointments, transportation, meals.  Choose someone to communicate updates to family and friends.

3. Speak with a person who has had a similar diagnosis as you and has completed treatment.  Contact organizations such as Cancer Hope Network and the American Cancer Society.

4. Use your iPod to record, access, or play guided imagery, music, or messages from family and friends.

5. Enroll in classes such as Successful Surgery or Guided Imagery for Radiation and Chemotherapy.

Live your life to the fullest and do what you want now and are able to do and keep your “to do’s” realistic.  Don’t stop and just smell the flowers ~ stop and smell the rain, the morning dew, the evening fireflies.  Trust in God and enjoy life.

Inspirational gift package for new cancer patients